Rules for Permanent Painting

Rules for Permanent Painting Underpainting Oil paints which are slow driers should be avoided in underpainting because the underlayers will remain mobile and move as they dry.
 This causes cracking of the fast drying colours which may be used on top of them. Pigments to avoid in underpainting: Cadmiums, Ivory and Lamp Black, Zinc White,…

Colour Mixing for contemporary artists

Colour Mixing – a guide for contemporary artists The artists’ palette of colours is a rainbow, but unlike its sky-borne counterpart, our colours are constructed from pigments, fine grains of colour that must be bound together in order to become paint. The physical nature of pigments often interferes with the purity of perceived colour, but…

How oil paint is made

How oil paint is made: making colour Throughout history, people have found ways to permanently ‘fix’ colour to create lasting images of the most exquisite beauty. For instance, the binding of pigments in Neolithic cave paintings was probably serendipitous; cave walls containing silicas or limestone trapped the pigment and locked it to the surface over…