Formulations for Casein paints

Manufacture of Borax-Casein Binder (Wehlte)

40 gm Casein powder
16 gm Borax
125 ml cold water
125 ml hot water

1: Soak 40 gm of casein powder for approximately 12 hours in 125 ml of cold water. 16 gm crystalline Borax is dissolved in 125 ml of hot water. The casein should be prepared in a non-metallic bowl.
2: While the casein is soaking, cover the bowl with a thick, wet cloth to prevent the formation of a skin. No un-soaked granules should remain on the edge of the bowl. It is recommended to leave overnight to make sure that the casein absorbs as much water as possible.
3: The hot borax solution is stirred into the granular casein solution and stirred again after a few minutes. Leave to stand.
4: Within 2 hours the now viscous solution no longer contains recognisable casein granules, a sign that the hydrolysation is complete. It is recommended to leave standing up to a full day in order to make the casein binder even more viscous.
5: If the casein binder is to be kept for several days or weeks, it must be preserved with a biocide. It is advisable to prepare only small amounts of casein and not keep it for long periods.

Note: Borax-casein lasts longer when it is hygienically prepared, i.e. using boiled water and clean containers. Borax casein can then be stored for half a year, sometimes even longer, without adding preservation agents.

Manufacture of Ammonia-Casein Binder (Doerner)

40 gm Casein powder
10 gm Ammonium Carbonate
250 ml Water

1: 40 gm of Casein powder is first mixed with a very small amount of cold water. 250 ml of warm water is then added.
2: 10 gm Ammonium Carbonate is dissolved in a few drops of water whilst stirring to make a smooth paste. This solution is poured into the casein. Immediately the mixed solution will effervesce. Keep stirring until the foaming subsides.
3: Ammonia-casein is not particularly stable and can become fluid relatively quickly even if a preservative is added.

Manufacture of Casein Paint

Simple Method for the manufacture of Casein Paint
Place dry ground pigment in a clean, non-metal container. Wet down the pigment to create a thick paste. Note: The addition of 1-5% Methylated Spirits to the water will help in the dispersion of the pigment.
Stir vigorously to ensure as much of the pigment is fully wetted out.
Slowly add the mixed Casein Binder, gently stirring to incorporate and fully disperse the pigment.
Add enough Casein Binder till a fluid cream consistency is achieved. If selecting natural or prepared earth colours approximately 1:3 pigment to Casein Binder by volume. Store finished paint in clean containers.

Hand Milling Method for the manufacture of Casein Paint
By volume, mix together 1:2 pigment and water. Mix into a stiff paste.
Note: The addition of 1-5% Methylated Spirits to the water will help in the dispersion of the pigment.
Place a tablespoon of pigment-paste onto an etched-face glass slab and using a glass muller disperse the pigment by rotating the muller in a figure of eight motion moving the pigment-paste across the slab. Periodically scrape paste off the muller and into the centre of the slab. The paste becomes progressively smoother and glossier with work. When properly ground no grains should be seen and no grittiness may be heard or felt. Store the pigment-paste in air-tight containers for later addition to the Casein Binder.
At this point the pigment-paste is not a paint and must be added to a binder.
By volume, mix together 1:1 the pigment-paste and Casein Binder. Add more binder if a thinner consistency is desired. Store finished paint in clean, air-tight containers.

Working qualities of Casein Paint
Casein paints generally dry to a matte finish, and are in artistic terms regarded as permanent and non- reversable. Langridge recommends testing the finished paint on its intended surface before full application. Casein paints are relatively inflexible and should be used on non-flexible supports.

Casein Size Paint
As an additive for size paint it is recommended to dilute the prepared medium with water to a total volume of 1 litre, thus obtaining a concentration of 4% casein in the size paint. 1 litre of casein paint is sufficient to paint about 10 m2 of a smooth and non-absorptive ground.

The above information is based on research and testing done by Langridge Artist Colours Pty Ltd and is provided as a basis for understanding the potential uses of the product mentioned. Due to the numerous variables in methods, materials and conditions of producing art, Langridge Artist Colours Pty Ltd cannot be sure the product will be the correct for the artists intended use. Therefore, we urge product users to test each application to ensure all individual requirements are met. While we believe the above information is correct, We make no express or Implied Warranties of Merchantability or Fitness for a particular purpose. Langridge shall in no event be liable for any damages (indirect, consequential or otherwise) that may occur as a result of a product application